Do You Need a Swimming Pool Renovation or Remodel in Oakland Township?

Do You Need a Swimming Pool Renovation or Remodel in Oakland Township?

Recognizing Signs That Your Swimming Pool Needs Upgrading

Your backyard oasis and swimming pool are a testament to your commitment to leisure and relaxation. However, your preferences change over time, and lifestyle shifts occur, and what was once ideal may no longer suit you.

Remodel and renovation efforts can bring new life to your pool, realigning it with your current needs and desires. Improvements may range from minor tweaks, such as updating tiles or lighting, to larger transformations, like adding a spa or reconfiguring its shape entirely.

Here’s how you can tell if your Oakland Township pool requires an upgrade:

1. Mismatch Between Functionality and Needs

The design of your pool’s depth and shape is decisive in its utility. Perhaps your pool was initially intended to meet the needs of small children with features like slides and shallow ends. But now that they have grown up, these features may no longer serve their original purpose. Perhaps what’s needed now are rigorous swimming workouts or tranquil water aerobics sessions, or possibly you want an environment conducive to relaxing spa services or workout routines – perhaps by adding mood-enhancing elements like ambient lighting or even an entire spa corner?

2. An Inherited Pool Design

Many Oakland Township homebuyers purchase properties with preexisting pools that meet their basic needs but often don’t reflect personal taste. Now is an ideal opportunity to customize it to reflect your style- through complete reconstruction or simply updating the deck and tiles.

3. Visible Wear and Tear

Deterioration is an inevitable part of pool ownership. Cracked foundations, chipped tiles, or worn-out liners may become eyesores if left ignored, failing which, they could quickly escalate into more serious, more expensive issues that compromise both its safety and aesthetic appeal. Routine inspection and repairs ensure your pool is aesthetically pleasing and safe for swimming.

4. Soaring Operational Costs

Older pools tend to feature outdated technology, increasing maintenance costs. Modern pumps are more energy-efficient and have longer lifespans, leading to reduced operational expenses and savings over time. If your pool is over 10 years old, modernizing its machinery may lead to significant cost-cutting benefits; alternative energy sources such as solar can further reduce expenses while raising environmental credentials.

5. Energy Efficient and Eco-Friendly Appliances

Renovation isn’t only about aesthetics and functionality; it’s an opportunity to embrace sustainability. Modern pools are built to maximize energy efficiency from pumps to heating systems; solar panels or energy-efficient heaters can further lower energy consumption and make your pool more environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

Are You in Need of Change? Sapphire Landscaping Pool & Spa is ready for an Update.

Revamping your swimming pool is a surefire way to rekindle your love for outdoor space. Revamping can bring new life and affordability into play by customizing its design to reflect your current lifestyle and adding energy-efficient upgrades in Oakland Township, looking for pool makeover services? Sapphire Landscaping Pool & Spa stands ready to turn your vision into reality!

Interested in a Swimming Pool Renovation or Remodel in Oakland Township?

Are you ready to give your in-ground pool a contemporary makeover? Contact Sapphire Landscaping immediately for top-of-the-line renovation and remodeling solutions designed exclusively for you. Dial 248-469-0900 today, and allow us to bring your pool dreams to life!



Sapphire Landscaping: Choosing The Right Material for Pool Resurfacing

Many people are surprised by how simple it is to resurface a pool. Most resurfacing jobs can be taken care of quickly on-site to ensure your swimming pool remains attractive and usable for many years. Many swimming pools are left unaltered for long periods because of fears over cost and construction time. Altering your swimming pool now will certainly boost resale value and usage in the long term. With proper maintenance, you can drive down the operational costs annually.

Before you forge ahead with pool resurfacing, consider the points from a Rochester pool contractor below. Use these to help guide you on what to expect and which features will be best for you.

Pool Resurfacing Options

After years of use, all pools need resurfacing. This is especially true if commercial pools are used daily or experience an influx of use during certain seasons. Resurfacing allows spotting and fixing any issues while giving your whole pool a new look.

Twenty years ago, there weren’t many material options for pool resurfacing. A basic plaster installation was the only option on offer. But now, a pool can be resurfaced with various materials, from fiberglass to tile and pebble stones.

Learn more about each material and discover what suits your unique situation best.

Plaster Resurfacing

Resurfacing a pool with plaster is quite common. White used to be the standard, but now many colors are available to give your pool a makeover. Choosing a darker color, such as grey, can help to absorb the sunlight, which can in turn, save you money on heating costs. Special chips can be added to the plaster mix, so it absorbs sunlight during the day to heat the pool more efficiently.

Resurfacing with PebbleSheen

If you want to add design elements to your pool when resurfacing, you should consider using Pebblesheen. This product gives a pebble appearance to the bottom of your pool, making it aesthetically pleasing. You can find this in almost any color, from vibrant reds to shiny black. While this is one of the more expensive materials available, it is one of the most attractive options on the market, so you get what you pay for.

Fiberglass Resurfacing

If the options above haven’t captured your attention, you can also resurface your pool with fiberglass. This costs more than basic plaster, but it does provide a wonderfully smooth finish which makes any pool look beautiful. Resurfacing with fiberglass is usually a time-consuming and intricate process. Finding a registered company to handle the job for you is best.

Tiling a Pool

Tiling a pool has become a trendy resurfacing option since it is appealing to look at and easy to maintain and clean. These advantages also make tile resurfacing the most expensive material type. It’s also the most labor-intensive option to install.

Call Sapphire Landscaping, A Bloomfield Pool Contractor, For Your Pool Resurfacing Project

It would be best if you got the best people to do the job to make an impression with your pool. While many residential swimming pools can be easy to re-play, the scale of commercial pools alone can make them challenging.  Call the pool experts at Sapphire Landscaping Pool and Spa, a pool contractor in southeast Michigan,  to discuss resurfacing options for your pool.

Contact Sapphire Landscaping today at  248-469-0900. We are headquartered in the service areas of Bloomfield, Michigan, and Oakland County, MI.

Bloomfield Custom Pool Builder - Sapphire Landscaping